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Personnel and Assets Tracking

Personnel tracking and access control system for underground and open pit mines.

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Our Personnel and Assets Tracking

Personal and equipment monitoring

The system allows multiple people, equipment and assets to be localized in real time using RFID technology. People or vehicles inside the mine use sensors that will be detected through portals located at entrances or exits and key areas.


Real time reports

Through a web platform, it is possible to view real-time reports. These tailored reports provide information on the identification of personnel, number of people in selected areas, people’s entry/exit data, among others.


Improve safety and emergency management

The solution also consists of an emergency mode which allows the user to collect data such as: type of emergency, state of the personnel, time span emergency, coordination chat, etc.


Speed ​​detection

MT Guardian allows to monitor personnel access in buses and trucks, reporting speeds at mine entrance up to 50 km / h.




More than 15 implemented projects at small- and large-scale mines.


Mining TAG sensors have been installed across Chile and Perú for equipment and personnel monitoring


Reliable readings registered by Mining Tag devices up to 31 mph (50 km/h).